Friday, April 27, 2007

Oodles of poodles

Japan. The country is know for innovation and conformity. Japanese people are known to be at the fore front and always ahead of the rest in fashion and technology. Smart people right?

Then explain how can this happen? Apparently thousands of Japanese were fooled into buying sheep thinking they were poodles?!?!? One couple got suspicious when they took their "dog" to have its claws trimmed and were told it had hooves. One Japanese star went on a talk show and was puzzled when her new pet could not bark or eat food. Unbelievable.

Hmm...the last I checked, there were many differences between a sheep and a poodle. I guess sometimes when one becomes too smart, one may become dumb!


At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


wat are you doing now?

meet up soon to game or seomthing ya! miss hanging out!



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