Thursday, April 26, 2007


There are a lot of machines, equipment and stuff in my office. Servers, laptops, PCs. None of them impresses me as much as this one.

Yes, it's a grand supreme coffee machine that is easily the biggest and most fancy machine that I've ever laid my eyes on. It's everybody's favourite. 8 different flavours (macchiato, capucino, etc). High grade coffee beans. Fast processing with little noise. One can't help but be converted to a coffee drinker and a coffee drinker I already am! I can now understand why the productivity level is so high in the office.

I've almost completed my first week and everything is going swell. I'm undergoing trainig for the next couple of weeks and I hope to clear that soon and become operational. More coffee ahead! :)


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Cleopatra said...

oh! i recognise that machine! i used it at my previous workplace in the airport. it's way cool with the milk refrigerator linked and the cup holders heated. and the programming is so clever... the price is exorbitant too. haha! all the best at your new job!


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